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The functional aspect of consciousness (access consciousness) and its impact on language acquisition and linguistic/nonlinguistic behavior


In second language acquisition in particular, the role of consciousness during acquisition and the use of acquired knowledge is a central issue, and much research has thus far been conducted (on conscious and unconscious learning and knowledge). My research attempts to answer the following questions: What factors trigger consciousness in learning and knowledge? How is conscious and unconscious learning related to conscious and unconscious knowledge? To what extent is unconscious language acquisition and processing possible in second language acquisition? How does the acquisition of a first language differ from the acquisition of a second language because of the function of consciousness?

  • Fukuta, J. (2016). Potential methodological biases in research on learning without awareness. Applied Linguistics, 31 (1), 121-127 . doi:10.1093/applin/amv022

  • Fukuta, J., Goto, A., Kawaguchi, Y., Murota, D., Kurita, A. (2018). Syntactically–driven algorithmic processing of PP-attachment ambiguity in a second language. IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 56, 253-278. doi:10.1515/iral-2017-0038

  • Fukuta, J. & Yamashita, J. (2021). Implicit and Explicit Learning and (Un)conscious Knowledge: The Mediating Effects of Salience in Form-Meaning Connections. Second Language Research. doi:


Phenomenal aspects of consciousness and human cognition observed through language


I have been exploring the phenomenal aspects of consciousness, or how people subjectively view the world, using methods of experimental psychology or psycholinguistics. In particular, I am interested in how language and consciousness are related and whether (and to what extent) consciousness and perception differ due to differences in language systems. My research is based on the cognitive linguistic perspective of how people mentally represent meanings and abstract concepts, the cognitive science research of embodied or grounded cognition that proposes modal representations, mental simulations, bodily states, and situated action underlying cognition, and linguistic relativism and thinking-for-speaking research on how language affects individual cognition and linguistic/nonlinguistic behavior. Through these studies, I seek to shed light on the structure of mental representations in human cognition and explore the universality and cultural diversity of mind and language.

  • Tamura, Y., Fukuta, J., Nishimura, Y., Harada, Y., Hara, K., Kato, D. (2019, January). Japanese EFL learners’ sentence processing of conceptual plurality: An analysis focusing on reciprocal verbs. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40 (1), 59-91.

  • Embodied Cognition and Linguistic Relativity: Investigating Perceptual Availability in Linguistic Processing. Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists Joint Research Grant,The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Cognitive philosophical investigation on language and consciousness and ontological discussions of psychological entities


Based on the results of the fundamental research described above, I have attempted to explore the question, “What does it mean to learn a language?” using philosophical frameworks. In addition to the goal of understanding human cognition in general, this research not only involves judgments about the value of language education but also how to scientifically explore invisible objects in psychology and linguistics.

  • 福田純也(2017.7.10)「タスク・ベースの言語指導と教育思想——社会における教育としてのTBLT」松村昌紀(編)『タスク・ベースの英語指導——TBLTの理解と実践』大修館書店.

  • Fukuta, J., Nishimura, Y., & Tamura. Y. (accepted for publication). Pitfalls of production data analysis for investigating L2 cognitive mechanism: An ontological realism perspective. Journal of Second Language Studies.




  • Fukuta, J. (2016). Potential methodological biases in research on learning without awareness. Applied Linguistics, 31 (1), 121-127 . doi:10.1093/applin/amv022

  • Fukuta, J., Goto, A., Kawaguchi, Y., Murota, D., Kurita, A. (2018). Syntactically–driven algorithmic processing of PP-attachment ambiguity in a second language. IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 56, 253-278. doi:10.1515/iral-2017-0038

  • Fukuta, J. & Yamashita, J. (2021). Implicit and Explicit Learning and (Un)conscious Knowledge: The Mediating Effects of Salience in Form-Meaning Connections. Second Language Research.


​人が主観的に世界をどのように見ているかという意識の現象的側面を、心理言語学的手法で探究しています。特に、言語と意識内容がどのようにかかわるか、言語体系の異なりに起因して意識内容、認識が(どの程度)異なるのかということに興味を持っています。人が意味や抽象的な概念をどのように心的に表象しているかという言語学的観点からの研究、我々の認知的な情報処理や我々のもつ概念がどのように基盤化(grounded)されているのかという「身体化された認知(embodied cognition)」および「基盤化された認知(grounded cognition)」の認知科学的研究、言語が個人の認知や行動に(どのように)影響するかという「言語相対論」やThinking-for-speakingの研究を通して、人間認知における心的表象の構造に光を当て、心とことばにおける普遍性と文化的多様性を探ろうとしています。

  • Tamura, Y., Fukuta, J., Nishimura, Y., Harada, Y., Hara, K., Kato, D. (2019). Japanese EFL learners’ sentence processing of conceptual plurality: An analysis focusing on reciprocal verbs. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40 (1), 59-91. doi: 10.1017/S0142716418000450

  • Embodied Cognition and Linguistic Relativity: Investigating Perceptual Availability in Linguistic Processing. Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists Joint Research Grant,The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science



  • 福田純也(2017)「タスク・ベースの言語指導と教育思想——社会における教育としてのTBLT」松村昌紀(編)『タスク・ベースの英語指導——TBLTの理解と実践』大修館書店.

  • 福田純也(2018)『外国語学習に潜む意識と無意識』開拓社.

  • Fukuta, J. Nishimura, Y. & Tamura, Y. (in prep). Toward a better practice of performance analysis: Investigating psychological entities from a perspective of ontological realism.

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